From argonaut to wunderpus, our cephalopod encyclopedia makes it easy to learn about the planet’s most interesting creatures.
Researched & written by marine biologists, funded by fans.
Atlantic Longarm Octopus
Macrotritopus defilippi
Blanket Octopus
Tremoctopus violaceus
Caribbean Reef Octopus
Octopus briareus
Coconut Octopus
Amphioctopus marginatus
Common Octopus
Octopus vulgaris
Common Sydney Octopus
Octopus tetricus
Day Octopus
Octopus cyanea
Dumbo Octopus
Grimpoteuthis umbellata
Giant Pacific Octopus
Enteroctopus dofleini
Greater Argonaut
Argonauta argo
Greater Blue-Ringed Octopus
Hapalochlaena lunulata
Hairy Octopus
Octopus sp.
Maori Octopus
Marcoctopus Maorum
Mimic Octopus
Thaumoctopus mimicus
Smoothskin Octopus
Muusoctopus leioderma
Southern Sand Octopus
Octopus kaurna
Vulcanoctopus hydrothermalis
Wunderpus photogenicus