Vampire Squid Facts: Ancestors Of The Jurassic Seas!

Vampire Squid Facts: Ancestors Of The Jurassic Seas!

Octopus? Squid? Cuttlefish? When you’re none of the above, but you’re still a mushy, 8-armed creature that moves about the ocean using jet propulsion, what could you possibly be? The one and only Vampyroteuthis infernalis, of course! Commonly known as the Vampire Squid, this exclusive cephalopod lives at crushing ocean depths with little oxygen. It…

Octopus Lifespan: A Glimpse At An Octopus’s Circle Of Life!

Octopus Lifespan: A Glimpse At An Octopus’s Circle Of Life!

Ever find yourself pondering about an octopus’s life? How long do they live? Do they adopt a healthy lifestyle in the hopes that they will live longer? What species lives the longest? Do females outlive males or vice versa? I know- it’s a lot! From popping out into the world from a tiny egg case…

Giant Australian Cuttlefish Facts That Will Make You Go WHOA!

Giant Australian Cuttlefish Facts That Will Make You Go WHOA!

Out of roughly 120 species of Cuttlefish in the world, the one from down under is the biggest of them all. The Giant Australian Cuttlefish, Sepia apama, lives fast and dies young, leading an extraordinary life during its short 1 to 2-year lifespan. These remarkable creatures have skin with a higher resolution than an iPhone…

Octopus Eyes: Everything You Need To Know About Cephalopod Vision!
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Octopus Eyes: Everything You Need To Know About Cephalopod Vision!

It is utterly impossible to generalize about octopus eyes and their vision. There are the adjustable pinhole eyes of the nautilus, the extreme size difference between the eyes of the cock-eyed squid, and the largest eyes on the earth belong to the giant squid! On top of that, cephalopod pupils come in all different shapes…

Deimatic Behavior – An Octopus’s Great Defense

Deimatic Behavior – An Octopus’s Great Defense

Good behavior, bad behavior…deimatic behavior!! Dei-ma-what? Deimatic behavior is when an animal attempts to startle a predator to avoid getting eaten. It is commonly used by animals that lack a strong defense—like a squishy octopus! Take a deep dive and discover how different cephalopods demonstrate deimatic behavior. Did you know the word deimatic originates from…