‘Artist Spotlight’ Of The Week: Olivier Leger

‘Artist Spotlight’ Of The Week: Olivier Leger

Howdy Nation! In today’s post, we are going to be featuring our ‘Artist Spotlight’ of the week: Olivier Leger. A keen scuba diver, Olivier’s artwork draws upon his interest in ecology, specifically showcasing the octopus in his piece named ‘Worlds Within’! Meet Olivier Leger! Inspired by his experiences underwater and his passion for marine conservation,…

‘Artist Spotlight’ Of The Week: Rebecca Krinke

‘Artist Spotlight’ Of The Week: Rebecca Krinke

Howdy Nation! In today’s post, we are going to be featuring our ‘Artist Spotlight’ of the week: Rebecca Krinke. As an artist and a Landscape Architecture professor at the University of Minnesota, her art-design practice and research are all related to exploring the wonder, terror, and mysteries of our times. Let’s take a closer look…

3 blue ascending octopuses jeff thompson

‘Artist Spotlight’ Of The Week: Heather and Jeff Thompson

Howdy Nation! In today’s post, we are going to be featuring our ‘Artist Spotlight’ of the week: Heather and Jeff Thompson. A husband & wife glassblowing team, these two have been creating sculptures together for over 20 years. That fact alone is jaw-dropping! Let’s take a look at how they create their handmade glass octopus…